EDMONTON — Leaked Alberta cabinet documents suggest the province is worried environmental groups will undermine public support for shale gas development by spreading “misinformation” about health and environmental effects of […]
Workers in the United States and Canada are in a class war declared by big business and we’re losing, Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, told delegates. “It […]
17 August 2011: The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has joined with its Colombian affiliates, CUT, CGT and CTC, in firmly condemning the killing, on Tuesday 26 July in El […]
Gov. John Kasich’s S.B. 5 and Republican lawmakers must be feeling the heat. Recently, 1.3 million Ohioans signed petitions to put on the November ballot the repeal of a law […]
Today, Wisconsin working families are going to the polls to defend two state senators who stood up to Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on workers. Democratic state Sens. Jim Holperin […]
Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is promising to make workplaces in the province fairer, cracking down on employers who fail to pay fair wages and benefits. Lukaszuk announced […]