



Alberta-based bitumen upgrading is plummeting, new figures show: ERCB projections demonstrate that Tories have turned their backs on promises to keep oil sands jobs in the province, says…
Jul 19, 2011

New figures released today by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that the percentage of oil-sands bitumen upgraded in the province will drop to 52 per cent by 2016 – […]

A true national energy strategy has to be about more than building bitumen export pipelines
Jul 19, 2011

As energy ministers from around the country gather in Kananaskis this week, it’s starting to look like the Alberta government is engaging in an old-fashioned game of bait and switch. […]

Unions urge energy ministers to keep oil-sands jobs in Canada instead of shipping them “down the pipeline” to U.S. and China: “A true national energy strategy has to be about more …
Jul 18, 2011

Is the meeting of energy ministers currently underway in Kananaskis a real attempt to develop an energy strategy that works for Canadians in all regions of the country? Or is […]

Stelmach’s drilling push cost taxpayers $2.9B: Labour group seeks probe into ‘misuse’ of funds
Jul 16, 2011

Ed Stelmach’s program to stimulate drilling during the recession cost taxpayers $2.9 billion and failed to create promised jobs, new wells or new investment in the oilpatch, says the Alberta […]

Oilpatch stimulus hit dry hole: union Provincial AFL head wants MLAs to probe ‘outrageous misuse of government funds’
Jul 16, 2011

Alberta’s program to stimulate drilling during the recession cost taxpayers $2.9 billion and failed to create promised jobs, new wells or new investment in the oilpatch, says the Alberta Federation […]

AFL finds evidence of huge royalty giveaway: “Grey market” trading of royalty credits bleeds Treasury of billions
Jul 15, 2011

EDMONTON – Oil and gas companies have used $2.9 billion of public money to boost their own profits, while the government lays off over a thousand educational staff and professionals […]