



Will Voters Boot Wisconsin Republicans? 7 Things to Know About Tuesday’s Recall Elections
Aug 5, 2011

This Tuesday, six Republican state senators who supported Scott Walker’s radical agenda face recall. Here’s what you need to know about the issues at play. August 5, 2011 | Tuesday, […]

Malawi: Respect Human Rights and Allow Peaceful Protest
Aug 5, 2011

LabourOn 20th July 2011, civil society organisations, including the trade union movement headed by the ITUC-affiliated Malawi Confederation of Trade Unions (MCTU), took to the streets to advance legitimate calls […]

Labor’s Decline and Wage Inequality
Aug 4, 2011

The decline in organized labor’s power and membership has played a larger role in fostering increased wage inequality in the United States than is generally thought, according to a study […]

Alberta’s use of temporary foreign workers ‘shameful,’ says labour group: Many employers said to use guest-worker program as first choice, not last resort
Aug 2, 2011

Alberta employers are increasingly looking to temporary foreign workers (TFWs) to fill jobs despite long unemployment lines in other parts of Canada, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). […]

Tory leadership contenders defend energy stimulus program: Labour group says $2.9 billion would have been better spent elsewhere
Aug 1, 2011

EDMONTON — Despite Alberta Federation of Labour claims the province blew $2.9 billion on drilling incentive programs that failed to create jobs or investment in the oilpatch, the Conservatives vying […]

Canadian jobs lost down the pipeline
Aug 1, 2011

Last week U.S. lawmakers decided that President Barack Obama must make a decision sooner than he wanted to on construction of the $7 billion Keystone XL pipeline, which would deliver […]