



Government Will Review AFL-CIO Complaint Against Bahrain
Jun 16, 2011

The AFL-CIO today applauded the U.S. Department of Labor’s decision to accept its complaint regarding the government of Bahrain’s failure to live up to its trade agreement commitments with respect […]

Calgary Joins Together to fight cuts to vital public services
Jun 15, 2011

With 331 jobs set to be lost in Calgary’s public schools alone, Join Together Alberta (JTA) is holding a town hall meeting tonight in Calgary to challenge cuts to education, […]

Air Canada back-to-work legislation slammed by Alberta labour leader: AFL also fears for future of Canada Post at hands of federal Tories
Jun 15, 2011

Using legislation to force employees back to work will not bring labour peace or prosperity to Air Canada, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. “The only way to secure a […]

Hundreds of city teachers lost to budget cuts
Jun 15, 2011

EDMONTON – After a day in which 326 Edmonton teaching positions were likely lost, school boards say they desperately need consistent funding. Both Edmonton school boards passed versions of their […]

Local postal workers hit picket lines
Jun 15, 2011

Local urban Canada Post workers are solidly on the picket line now after Canada Post locked them out Tuesday night. That’s a change from Tuesday morning when striking workers in […]

Ltr to Honourable Ed Fast re: CETA from Trade Justice Network
Jun 15, 2011

click here for PDF of letter June 15, 2011 The Honourable Ed Fast Minister of International Trade Government of Canada Ottawa, ON / fax (613) 996-9795 Dear Minister Fast, […]