



Higher minimum wage won’t end poverty
Jun 6, 2011

In one fell swoop, the Alberta government has managed to ensure the perpetuity of both future minimum wage increases and the controversy over the minimum wage itself. After freezing the […]

1,000 March Against Walker’s Budget
Jun 6, 2011

More than 1,000 Wisconsin firefighters, nurses, farmers and community members marched through Madison today to the Capitol Square to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) extreme and anti-middle class budget. The […]

Walker Removes Painting of Homeless/Low-Income Children from Gov.’s Mansion
Jun 6, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) apparently doesn’t want to be reminded of the people who will feel the sting of his budget cuts. It was revealed last week that Walker, […]

Bahrain puts medical staff on trial for treating injured protesters: Security court deals with 47 doctors and nurses accused of participating in efforts to remove monarchy
Jun 6, 2011

Doctors and nurses who treated injured anti-government protesters during the unrest in Bahrain went on trial in a security court on Monday accused of participating in efforts to overthrow the […]

Protesters Pitch Tents In Madison To Oppose Budget: Protesters Call Tent City ‘Walkerville’
Jun 5, 2011

MADISON, Wis. — Those against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal are settling in for the long haul, pitching tents at the Capitol Square. The lines have been drawn and the […]

Alberta vows to end abuse of WCB rebates: Lukaszuk sets out new guidelines
Jun 3, 2011

A voluntary safety accreditation program that entitles employers to earn WCB premium rebates and bid on lucrative government contracts is being abused, admits Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. Lukaszuk announced Thursday […]