



Mass movement calls for urgent revenue reform in Alberta: Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services
May 26, 2011

EDMONTON – A coalition of hundreds of thousands of Albertans is gathering to force the Conservative government to fix its broken revenue system and save our schools, post-secondary education, health […]

Alberta unions, special interest groups protest teacher cuts
May 26, 2011

A plan to lay off more than 1,000 teachers across Alberta is being met with fierce opposition from unions and special interest groups, who say the decision can’t be justified. […]

Raising minimum wage a dilemna
May 26, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour thinks the province’s minimum wage is too low, and it wants Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to do something about that before he […]

Alberta teachers hold news conference to discuss cuts
May 26, 2011

Teachers and the Alberta Federation of Labour plan to fight layoffs that could cost up to 1,200 teachers their jobs. The Alberta Teachers’ Association is holding a news conference this […]

Public sector coalition launches campaign against cuts
May 26, 2011

A coalition of public sector workers is ramping up its call for no more government cuts. The Join Together Alberta group launched a new campaign Thursday, essentially creating a coalition […]

Judge strikes down Walker’s collective bargaining law
May 26, 2011

A Dane County judge struck down Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial collective bargaining law on Thursday, ruling that a legislative committee law violated the state’s open meetings law when it hastily […]