Two alarming reports recently out point to long-term trends in the U.S. economy that don’t bode well for maintaining a strong middle class in this nation. Between 1980 and 2009, […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour says Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is going to leave his cabinet post to run for the provincial PC leadership. The AFL worries, by […]
Minmum wage should be raised now, before thousands of high school students get summer jobs, says McGowan EDMONTON – Before he steps down to pursue the leadership of the PC […]
Re: “Justice for firefighters,” Editorial, May 12. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news that Alberta will extend Workers’ Compensation Board coverage to include volunteer firefighters. These courageous people […]
Re: “WCB to cover volunteer firefighters who get cancer on job; Bill provides same benefits as full-timers get,” The Journal, May 11. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news […]
The provincial government has shown once again that its attitude toward inspecting workplaces is putting Albertans in danger, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). “Despite undeniable and uncontested evidence […]