



Foreign companies buying into tarsands: Canada losing profits and control as refining moves to countries with low labour and environmental standards
May 9, 2011

Foreign corporations, some controlled by national governments, have been using their economic clout to buy into Alberta’s oil sands and take control of our natural resources. US, French, British, Chinese, […]

How the code of silence works
May 5, 2011

Thank you, readers, for sending in some stories about life in Canada’s one-party province after reading my story, The Fear Factor in Alberta Politics. Tories and non-Tories responded. I was […]

Safety blitz focuses on young workers
May 5, 2011

Alberta’s employment minister says safety inspectors are fanning out across the province for a month-long safety sweep focused on inexperienced employees and the places they work. Speaking at Bumpy’s Cafe […]

Gov. Walker Signs Bill Blocking Milawukee’s Paid Sick Leave Law
May 5, 2011

In 2008, Milwaukee, Wisconsin became the third city in America to guarantee workers paid sick leave, joining Washington D.C. and San Fransisco. These cities are stepping up to fill a […]

Minister fails to implement obvious solution to forklift-safety problem: Mandatory training and licensing for forklift operators is the best way to save lives, says AFL
May 4, 2011

The disappointing results of a recent blitz of forklift-safety inspections should come as no surprise to Alberta’s employment minister, says the province’s largest labour organization. “We have told Employment and […]

Lukaszuk has become the minister of workplace blitzes: But blitz inspections alone won’t make Alberta safer for workers
May 4, 2011

A recent series of workplace safety blitzes by occupational health and safety inspectors has confirmed there are serious safety problems in Alberta workplaces – but this approach is doing little […]