



Labour Law Policy Paper (2011)
Apr 28, 2011

Labour Law Policy Paper (April 2011) AFL policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011 Earlier this year, we saw attacks on labour rights […]

AFL concerned about plan to keep Albertans working longer: Workers will rebel against efforts to force deferral of retirement dreams
Apr 27, 2011

Plans announced by the provincial government today to keep Albertans working longer are being viewed with concern by the labour movement. “If Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is talking […]

Widespread violations of standards for underage workers in Alberta
Apr 25, 2011

There are widespread violations of employment standards for working children and adolescents in Alberta, according to a study by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Athabasca University. “Tens of […]

Florida Unions Withdraw from Banks that Support Chamber of Commerce
Apr 24, 2011

In Florida, where Republican lawmakers want to prevent public employee unions from collecting dues through government payroll systems, labor leaders have decided to pull their organizations’ accounts from banks connected […]

Rights of working children violated, Alberta labour group contends: Most of province’s youngest job holders employed illegally, study says
Apr 22, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour claims tens of thousands of working Alberta children are having their rights violated. Of an estimated 26,000 children aged 12 to 14 with jobs, 21 […]

April 2011: Widespread violations of child-labour laws revealed; government performance on oil sands shameful; fed Conservatives accused of hypocrisy in dealing with immigrants; Albertans…
Apr 21, 2011

Widespread violations of child-labour rules revealed in study Tens of thousands of adolescent Albertans are in the workforce – 21 per cent of them in illegal jobs, according to an […]