29 April 2011: At the occasion of International Workers’ Day, Global Unions pay tribute to the people of the Arab States and renew their call for a full-scale transformation of […]
Getting Serious: The Role of Unions in Alberta’s Changing Political Landscape (April 2011) AFL political action paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011 Over […]
Alberta’s Revenue Crisis (April 2011) AFL Revenue Policy Paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011 Alberta’s relatively low revenues from natural resources and taxes […]
The number of Alberta workers killed on the job jumped by 24 per cent last year while the provincial government failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect its citizens in […]
The state of the province’s economy can be measured in more than dollars — booming business is also mirrored in the death toll suffered by workers. Government figures show workplace […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour says 2010 was a deadly year with 136 workplace-related deaths in the province, up from 110 deaths in 2009. The AFL released the figures Thursday […]