



Workers Fight Back Against More Than 700 Anti-Union Bills
Apr 5, 2011

It isn’t just the actions of tax-dodging corporations like Bank of America and Verizon that have infuriated activists. Blackwater, the private mercenary firm that recently changed its name to Xe […]

Bahrain firms fire hundreds of strikers in crackdown
Apr 5, 2011

MANAMA – Bahraini firms have fired hundreds of mostly Shi’ite workers who went on strike to support pro-democracy protesters, part of a government crackdown, an opposition group said on Tuesday. […]

In New Hampshire, ‘Right to Work’ Claims ‘Utterly’ Without Merit
Apr 5, 2011

When lawmakers-usually with the backing of corporations and right-wing, anti-worker groups-push for so-called right to work laws, they claim it will bring business and jobs to their states. Nothing could […]

Why Martin Luther King Jr. Would Support the Public Worker Protests
Apr 4, 2011

In this guest column, Martin Luther King III, president and chief executive officer of The King Center, explains why his father would be on the front lines today supporting public […]

Bahrain: Wave of Sackings, Threats and Violence Against Workers and Union Representatives
Apr 4, 2011

“The international trade union movement is extremely concerned at the large number of workers, including trade union representatives, who are being heavily penalised by the authorities simply because they exercised […]

Unions Make the Middle Class: Without Unions, the Middle Class Withers
Apr 4, 2011

Why should anyone—especially those who are not union members—care that union membership is at record lows and likely to fall even further? Because if you care about the middle class, […]