



Alberta’s Child Labour Laws: The Need for Change
Apr 20, 2011

Alberta’s Child Labour Laws: The Need for Change Alberta’s child labour laws are set out in the Employment Standards Code. This law makes it illegal to employ children under 12. […]

AFL says Hastman is being “offensive” when he suggests Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the oil sands: Conservatives have broken their promise to stop oil sands j…
Apr 19, 2011

Conservative candidate Ryan Hastman is being both offensive and untruthful when he suggests that the federal Conservatives are the only party that can be trusted with the future of the […]

2011 April 19 Letter to Ryan Hastman
Apr 19, 2011

April 19, 2011 Mr. Ryan Hastmanc/o Campaign Headquarters5611 Gateway Blvd NorthEdmonton, AB T6H 2H3 Dear Mr. Hastman; I read with interest local media reports of your statements on oil-sands development […]

John Nichols: Walker admits it’s all about union busting
Apr 17, 2011

There was a telling exchange during Gov. Scott Walker’s appearance Thursday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The governor had gone to Washington to take a star […]

Government failure on oil-sands royalties shameful, says AFL: “The Tories are allowing billions of dollars to slip through their fingers while they say we can’t afford to keep schools o…
Apr 15, 2011

EDMONTON – The Auditor General’s Report on oil-sands royalties confirms Albertans’ worst suspicions – that the Progressive Conservative government cares more about the energy industry’s bottom line than what is […]

Findings on oilsands royalties called ‘shameful’ to Alberta
Apr 15, 2011

CBJ – April 15 – An audit has shown Alberta’s oilsands royalties system to be an embarrassment to the province, the Alberta Federation of Labour said today. “Premier (Ed) Stelmach […]