When my phone rang in Moss Beach, California, I was surprised to find a young girl calling from a small town in Ohio, not far from Columbus. She and her […]
In Washington, D.C., more than 1,000 marched in solidarity with workers under attack in Wisconsin, Ohio and across the country. From Pocatello, Idaho, to Paris, France, and in hundreds of […]
It isn’t just the actions of tax-dodging corporations like Bank of America and Verizon that have infuriated activists. Blackwater, the private mercenary firm that recently changed its name to Xe […]
MANAMA – Bahraini firms have fired hundreds of mostly Shi’ite workers who went on strike to support pro-democracy protesters, part of a government crackdown, an opposition group said on Tuesday. […]
When lawmakers-usually with the backing of corporations and right-wing, anti-worker groups-push for so-called right to work laws, they claim it will bring business and jobs to their states. Nothing could […]
In this guest column, Martin Luther King III, president and chief executive officer of The King Center, explains why his father would be on the front lines today supporting public […]