



Walker Administration Suspends Implementation Of Anti-Union Law, After Judge’s Third Order Against It
Mar 31, 2011

In a major development in Wisconsin, Secretary of Administration Mike Huebsch (R) has announced that the Walker administration is suspending implementation of its new law curtailing public employee unions — […]

Workers Occupy Legislature After Bill to Ban Replacement Workers Defeated
Mar 31, 2011

Queen’s Park – Union members and their supporters are refusing to leave the legislature following the Ontario government’s defeat of legislation to ban the use of replacement workers during strikes […]

Wisconsin Judge Halts Further Implementation Of Union Law
Mar 29, 2011

MADISON, Wis. – The showdown over Wisconsin’s explosive union bargaining law shifted from the Statehouse back to the courthouse on Tuesday, but it remained unclear when or even whether the […]

Union Fears Anti-Labour Tactics Coming to Canada: Energy giant with links to Tea Party movement registers to lobby Alberta government
Mar 28, 2011

Could the union-busting efforts currently afoot in some U.S. states catch on in Canada? An Alberta union leader fears the thin edge of the wedge is beginning to show. Gil […]

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Thinks He’s Above the Law
Mar 28, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has already proven he doesn’t care about the will of his constituents. Now, he thinks he’s above the law. In a late Friday move-so as to […]

March 28 2011 Letter from ITUC to Prime Minister of Egypt protesting proposed decree on criminalizing strikes and sit-ins
Mar 28, 2011

Letter from the International Truade Union Conference dated March 28, 2011 to the Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt protesting the proposed decree on criminalising strikes and sit-ins