Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi denied a Department of Justice effort to halt an April 1, 2011 preliminary injunction hearing, which has temporarily blocked Governor Scott Walker’s attempts to […]
Economic Climate for Bargaining frames current economic events in terms of their impact on public sector workers, and public sector negotiations. Media personalities and corporate lobbyists have been abuzz over […]
Many people would argue that Democratic states such as Maryland would never be a battle ground for defending Collective Bargaining rights for states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa. That […]
Hypocritical federal Conservatives are reaching out to immigrant Canadians on one hand, but crafting policies that punish them with the other, says Alberta’s largest labour group and Linda Duncan, who […]
(CNN) — State workers and others planned to rally at the New Hampshire capitol Thursday after the state House approved a package that would make changes to collective bargaining laws. […]
A Wisconsin judge ruled late yesterday that the temporary restraining order is still in force for the law that guts collective bargaining for public employees-despite Gov. Scott Walker’s defiance of […]