



On Strike? Republicans Don’t Want Your Family to Eat
Mar 24, 2011

How low can Republicans go in their attacks on working families and their unions? Think Progress reports today that “a group of House Republicans is launching a new stealth attack […]

Billionaire Tea Party financiers to lobby Alberta government: Koch Industries owned by billionaire brothers who fund Tea Party, climate change denial
Mar 24, 2011

Edmonton – An American energy conglomerate owned by two powerful billionaire brothers who help fund the Tea Party and climate change denial movements in the U.S. has registered to lobby […]

Class war not welcome
Mar 24, 2011

If Marcel Latouche had his way, politicians in Canada would follow the lead of their American counterparts and declare war on public service employees (“Rethinking unions”, March 19). Latouche suggests […]

California Town Slashes Public Services, Destroys Jobs
Mar 24, 2011

In another massive slashing of services and destruction of public service jobs, the California town of Costa Mesa is laying off nearly half its public workforce and outsourcing some key […]

Walker’s Attacks Strengthen River Falls Faculty Resolve to Vote For Union
Mar 24, 2011

Galvanized by Gov. Scott Walker’s move to eliminate their freedom to collectively bargain for good middle-class jobs, faculty at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls voted 148-16 today in favor of […]

Wisconsin Court Upholds Milwaukee Paid Sick Leave Law
Mar 24, 2011

More than two years after Milwaukee voters overwhelmingly passed a paid sick leave city ordinance, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals today upheld the law and lifted an injunction an employer’s […]