



Women salaries trail male counterparts
Mar 21, 2011

A lthough International Women’s Day has passed, it’s important to continue to strive for equality. Case in point: a press release from the Alberta Federation of Labour, which shows that […]

‘People Are Pissed Off’: An Interview With Leo Gerard
Mar 21, 2011

Leo Gerard is the international president of the 850,000-member United Steelworkers, the nation’s largest manufacturing union. Although his union represents only a small number of public workers, Gerard has attended […]

Sask. Party government thumbs its nose at United Nations-ILO
Mar 21, 2011

Six months ago the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) found the Sask. Party government guilty of violating the international human rights of Saskatchewan citizens by their introduction and passing […]

The Ups and Downs of Chinese Unionists, and the ‘Interests of Humanity’
Mar 21, 2011

NEW YORK CITY-Unionization rates in China “should make American unions jealous,” University of Macau professor Zhidong Hao said during a panel at the annual Left Forum conference here on Saturday, […]

Mexican parliament considers regressive labour law reforms
Mar 21, 2011

The International Metalworkers’ Federation joins with the independent trade union movement in Mexico in denouncing proposed labour law reforms that could go before parliament as early as this week. The […]

Wisconsin’s Radical Break
Mar 21, 2011

NOW that a Wisconsin judge has temporarily blocked a state law that would strip public employee unions of most collective bargaining rights, it’s worth stepping back to place these events […]