



AFL calls for immediate minimum wage hike
Mar 15, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling on the province to immediately increase the minimum wage. It’s a move they say is long overdue. The current minimum wage in […]

Temporary foreign workers can apply to government for permanent residency
Mar 15, 2011

Unions applauded a provincial government move Monday to allow temporary foreign workers certified in Alberta’s optional trades to apply directly to the government for permanent residency instead of having to […]

Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Wisconsin GOP Denies Legislative Democrats Voting Rights
Mar 15, 2011

Not content to deny state, county and municipal employees and teachers a voice in the workplace-with legislation that takes away collective bargaining rights-Wisconsin Republicans have now moved to deny Democratic […]

Mega-rally: Large protests expected in Michigan tomorrow
Mar 15, 2011

Tomorrow a large rally to protest the policies of unpopular Michigan Governor Rick Synder will take place in Lansing. There was a protest held there earlier today attended by more […]

Unions don’t cause the problems they’re blamed for
Mar 14, 2011

There’s blood in the water for the labour movement, and the political sharks are circling. In Wisconsin the Governor has stripped public workers of the right to collective bargaining. Tellingly, […]

Up to 100,000 protest Wisconsin law curbing unions
Mar 12, 2011

MADISON, Wis., March 12 (Reuters) – Up to 100,000 people protested at the Wisconsin state Capitol on Saturday against a new law curbing the union rights of public workers that […]