



Together we Stood as the American Labor Movement to Move the State of Maryland Forward
Mar 16, 2011

March 14, 2011 will definitely go on record as being a historically organized labor day in the State of Maryland. The Rally to “Keep the Promise” was the theme. Fifteen […]

Government urged to act now on minimum wage and ease poverty: Two-year delay in raising the level of pay for lowest earners “inexcusable,” says AFL
Mar 15, 2011

Alberta’s poorest workers continue to endure unnecessary hardship and poverty thanks to a two-year delay in increasing minimum wage by the Alberta government. “Alberta’s minimum wage has been stuck at […]

AFL calls for immediate minimum wage hike
Mar 15, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling on the province to immediately increase the minimum wage. It’s a move they say is long overdue. The current minimum wage in […]

Temporary foreign workers can apply to government for permanent residency
Mar 15, 2011

Unions applauded a provincial government move Monday to allow temporary foreign workers certified in Alberta’s optional trades to apply directly to the government for permanent residency instead of having to […]

Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Wisconsin GOP Denies Legislative Democrats Voting Rights
Mar 15, 2011

Not content to deny state, county and municipal employees and teachers a voice in the workplace-with legislation that takes away collective bargaining rights-Wisconsin Republicans have now moved to deny Democratic […]

Mega-rally: Large protests expected in Michigan tomorrow
Mar 15, 2011

Tomorrow a large rally to protest the policies of unpopular Michigan Governor Rick Synder will take place in Lansing. There was a protest held there earlier today attended by more […]