



Province announces 30 new workplace safety inspectors
Mar 5, 2011

The province is bolstering the ranks of workplace safety inspectors, adding 30 new inspectors over the next three years. Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk made the announcement Friday at […]

Workplace safety inspectors welcomed, but far more action needed, says AFL: Albertans want real and effective improvements to work safety
Mar 4, 2011

Alberta’s largest labour organization welcomes the announcement that 30 new Occupational Health and Safety inspectors will be hired, but says much more needs to be done to protect workers. “This […]

Alberta targets workplace accidents
Mar 4, 2011

Alberta is hiring 30 new occupational health and safety officers to improve the province’s record on workplace accidents. “I hope this sends a strong message to any company or worker […]

Measures take aim at workplace safety offenders
Mar 4, 2011

Alberta employers punished with creative sentence fines after a worker is seriously injured or killed will now be tracked under the same provincial system that looks at whether all other […]

Unions ‘stand on guard’ for middle class
Mar 3, 2011

All eyes are on the Middle East as a wave of popular uprisings sweeps dictators from power. But there’s another battle brewing closer to home that has more significance for […]

Wisconsin Power Play
Mar 3, 2011

Last week, in the face of protest demonstrations against Wisconsin’s new union-busting governor, Scott Walker – demonstrations that continued through the weekend, with huge crowds on Saturday – Representative Paul […]