Immediate action is needed to curb rising Omicron case numbers EDMONTON – The Kenney UCP government must immediately mandate and publicly provide respirators, better-fitting N-95 or KN-95 masks, to all […]
The government’s inaction to date amounts to willful negligence EDMONTON – The leaders of Alberta’s largest unions and worker groups are calling for temporary circuit-breaker measurers to protect the health […]
With recently leaked reports, now confirmed by Alberta Health Services (AHS), showing that our health care system is about to be overwhelmed by the double-pronged reality of sky-rocketing hospital admissions […]
On behalf of Alberta workers, AFL president demands to see the evidence used to justify UCP’s reckless 5-day isolation policy EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, […]
The UCP government has started public consultations for the 2022-2023 Alberta Budget. The purpose of this brief is to provide suggestions to union members as to how to engage with […]
“We won’t let worker health and safety be sacrificed on the altar of UCP politics again!” EDMONTON – A coalition of unions representing nearly 170,000 working Albertans has sent a […]