



The Workers’ Struggle in Wisconsin: A Call for Solidarity in Calgary!
Mar 3, 2011

Over the last couple weeks there have been massive rallies in Wisconsin protesting legislation proposed by the new Governor, Scott Walker, legislation which can only be described as anti-labour and […]

Colombia still the most dangerous place in the world for human rights and labour activists
Mar 3, 2011

Colombian human rights advocate and forensic anthropologist Berenice Celeyta, wants the Colombian government of President Santos to acknowledge that there continues to be armed conflict in that country. Both the […]

Wisconsin Democrats Launch Recall Effort Against GOP Senators
Mar 2, 2011

WASHINGTON — The Wisconsin Democratic Party has launched a fundraising campaign to recall state Senate Republicans who have supported the budget bill by Gov. Scott Walker (R) that would strip […]

Wisconsin stalemate could drag on for months
Mar 2, 2011

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s budget stalemate over union bargaining rights shows no sign of resolution – and it could be a long wait. The governor isn’t budging. AWOL Democrats […]

Civil servant wages not to blame for deficit
Feb 28, 2011

Re: “Want to enjoy great wages and job security?” by Barbara Yaffe, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who wants to deprive public servants of the right […]

Labor and the future of the Egyptian revolution
Feb 28, 2011

Since February 11 when Mubarak stepped down, the Supreme Military Council, which has assumed leadership of Egypt’s affairs until such time as free elections are held, has repeatedly and thus […]