



Unions don’t cause the problems they’re blamed for
Mar 14, 2011

There’s blood in the water for the labour movement, and the political sharks are circling. In Wisconsin the Governor has stripped public workers of the right to collective bargaining. Tellingly, […]

Up to 100,000 protest Wisconsin law curbing unions
Mar 12, 2011

MADISON, Wis., March 12 (Reuters) – Up to 100,000 people protested at the Wisconsin state Capitol on Saturday against a new law curbing the union rights of public workers that […]

Wisconsin Firefighters Spark “Move Your Money” Moment
Mar 12, 2011

On the day that the bill passed the Wisconsin Assembly effectively ending 50 years of collective bargaining in Wisconsin and eviscerating the ability of public unions to raise money through […]

The Machinists need your help in their fight against CLAC!
Mar 11, 2011

Nearly seven years ago, Finning announced the closure of its CRC facility in Edmonton. As a result, more than 170 workers with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers […]

Counterpoint: Is an $18,000 pension ‘gold-plated’?: Contrary to right-wing myths, public employees are hardly privileged
Mar 11, 2011

Try as they might, those attacking public sector unions can’t seem to figure out why exactly they are so bad for Canada. For whatever the reason – it doesn’t seem […]

Will Wisconsin’s chill on labour move north?
Mar 11, 2011

In late 2009, Wisconsin became the first state to require schools to include “the history of organized labour in America and the collective-bargaining process” in social-studies curricula. That was when […]