There’s blood in the water for the labour movement, and the political sharks are circling. In Wisconsin the Governor has stripped public workers of the right to collective bargaining. Tellingly, […]
MADISON, Wis., March 12 (Reuters) – Up to 100,000 people protested at the Wisconsin state Capitol on Saturday against a new law curbing the union rights of public workers that […]
On the day that the bill passed the Wisconsin Assembly effectively ending 50 years of collective bargaining in Wisconsin and eviscerating the ability of public unions to raise money through […]
Nearly seven years ago, Finning announced the closure of its CRC facility in Edmonton. As a result, more than 170 workers with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers […]
Try as they might, those attacking public sector unions can’t seem to figure out why exactly they are so bad for Canada. For whatever the reason – it doesn’t seem […]
In late 2009, Wisconsin became the first state to require schools to include “the history of organized labour in America and the collective-bargaining process” in social-studies curricula. That was when […]