



Price of tax cuts
Feb 23, 2011

Re: “Want to make money? Try public service,” Barbara Yaffe, Opinion, Feb. 20, and “Civil servants paid too much,” Editorial, Feb. 22. Yaffe quotes former Reform MP Herb Grubel, who […]

Walkom: The seductive appeal of union-busting
Feb 23, 2011

The story from faraway Wisconsin, insofar as it has been covered at all in the Canadian media, is usually treated as a bit of a joke – one that centres […]

Wis. Democrats filibuster to delay anti-union bill
Feb 23, 2011

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Democrats kept the Wisconsin Assembly up overnight with a droning filibuster in another desperate attempt to block the Republican governor’s bold plan to strip public sector […]

Alberta to put pressure on forklift safety
Feb 22, 2011

The Alberta government’s move to scrutinize forklift safety on work sites in a provincewide blitz starting Tuesday is long overdue, says the mother of a young man who was crushed […]

CLC Statement on Wisconsin State Attacking Collective Bargaining Rights
Feb 22, 2011

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is deeply concerned about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000 public sector workers. If enacted, the proposed legislation will […]

Forklift safety inspections welcomed, but not enough says labour group: Mandatory training and certification needed to save lives, says AFL
Feb 19, 2011

An increase in the number of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections at worksites where forklifts are used has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the […]