



CLC Statement on Wisconsin State Attacking Collective Bargaining Rights
Feb 22, 2011

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is deeply concerned about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000 public sector workers. If enacted, the proposed legislation will […]

Forklift safety inspections welcomed, but not enough says labour group: Mandatory training and certification needed to save lives, says AFL
Feb 19, 2011

An increase in the number of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections at worksites where forklifts are used has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the […]

Alberta government starts forklift safety blitz
Feb 19, 2011

SHERWOOD PARK – The Alberta government’s new inspection blitz of forklift operations is a good initiative, but on its own won’t be enough to protect workers from accidents, said the […]

Increased forklift inspections not enough for AFL
Feb 19, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour feels more must be done to improve forklift safety in the province. AFL President Gil McGowan says the government’s announcement of a few weeks of […]

Unions call for probe into missing billions: Auditor General asked to examine why government is failing to meet its own revenue targets
Feb 17, 2011

As Albertans brace for yet another budget that includes deep cuts to vital services, a coalition of unions is calling on Alberta’s Auditor General to investigate why the government is […]

February 2011: Operation Hockey; Farm deaths spur calls to change work-safety laws; fight for REAL pension reform continues; Athabasca Univ Pension Course
Feb 16, 2011

Big fun in Little Buffalo Union members, human-rights activists and members of the Lubicon Cree took to the ice at the newly opened hockey rink in Little Buffalo at the […]