The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is deeply concerned about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000 public sector workers. If enacted, the proposed legislation will […]
An increase in the number of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections at worksites where forklifts are used has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the […]
SHERWOOD PARK – The Alberta government’s new inspection blitz of forklift operations is a good initiative, but on its own won’t be enough to protect workers from accidents, said the […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour feels more must be done to improve forklift safety in the province. AFL President Gil McGowan says the government’s announcement of a few weeks of […]
As Albertans brace for yet another budget that includes deep cuts to vital services, a coalition of unions is calling on Alberta’s Auditor General to investigate why the government is […]
Big fun in Little Buffalo Union members, human-rights activists and members of the Lubicon Cree took to the ice at the newly opened hockey rink in Little Buffalo at the […]