



Horizon remains under stop work order
Jan 9, 2011

One man remains in hospital with burns following Thursday’s coker fire at the Horizon oilsands project which remains shut down. A stop work order issued by Alberta Occupational Health and […]

AFL demands wider probe into Horizon coker explosion: Public must not be kept in the dark for years waiting to find out what caused the blast
Jan 7, 2011

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is demanding a wide-ranging and public investigation into the explosion and fire that injured five workers at the Canadian Natural Horizon upgrader in Fort […]

Alberta minister ‘disgusted’ as dozens of construction sites fail safety blitz: Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk wants tickets for violations
Jan 5, 2011

Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said Tuesday he’s “disgusted” by the number of safety infractions uncovered during an inspection blitz of Alberta construction sites, signalling he wants to start ticketing people […]

Pension debate fails to draw young adults
Jan 5, 2011

As the framework for a private-sector pension alternative was approved for Canadians yesterday, some young adults in Calgary said they have been staying out of the debate. This is despite […]

Aging boomers face retirement without adequate pensions
Jan 4, 2011

Our Aging Boomers: A Four-Part Series Saturday: Early boomers hit 65 Sunday: The coming health crunch Monday: How boomers will define aging Today: The pension pinch As the first wave […]

Alberta jobsites face crackdown after safety blitz
Dec 31, 2010

Safety officers will target commercial construction sites in Alberta for inspection in the upcoming year after a safety blitz found a number of contractors were in violation of provincial legislation. […]