



November 2010: Better health and safety rules; pension reform; Parkland fall conference; Lakoff lecture highlights; stop Calgary Public Library cuts
Nov 9, 2010

AFL demands better health and safety rules The AFL has released a 10-point plan on workplace health and safety (click here for the plan), calling for immediate action from the […]

Workplace safety needs work, says AFL: Labour union releases 10-point plan to improve safety
Nov 7, 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) released a 10-point plan yesterday on how they would like to see workplace safety improved in the province just as the Alberta government unveiled […]

Alberta workplace safety laws need to be improved
Nov 7, 2010

According to the Alberta Federation of Labour Friday, unless the province improves workplace safety law, economic recovery will only bring an increase in workplace injuries and fatalities. Announcing four new […]

Labour calls on Alberta to improve jobsite safety, province hiring 8 inspectors
Nov 6, 2010

EDMONTON – Labour groups say more people will be killed and injured in Alberta if the province fails to make sweeping changes to improve safety at job sites. The Alberta […]

Alberta Workplace safety laws need boost, AFL warns: Economic boom could see more injuries and deaths
Nov 6, 2010

EDMONTON – Economic recovery will bring an increase in workplace injuries and fatalities unless the province improves workplace safety law, the Alberta Federation of Labour said Friday. On the same […]

New union campaign says Alberta can – and must – do better on workplace safety: AFL unveils 10-point plan to stop return to boom-style carnage
Nov 5, 2010

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour today releases a 10-point plan for immediate action (click here for full text of plan) to improve workplace safety in the province. “The […]