



Alberta government heads down dangerous path with farm-worker discrimination
Aug 5, 2010

Excluding farm workers from workplace protections a legal minefield – allows unsafe work to continue Edmonton – Reports that the Conservative government is likely to ignore an Alberta judge’s recommendations […]

Strikers keep on truckin’ at McKesson Canada
Aug 5, 2010

Members of General Teamsters Local 362 boosted picket line spirits at McKesson Canada in Edmonton last week, dropping by with a big rig to show their support for UFCW 401 […]

Labour boss slams safety postings: Online project touted to make employers more compliant with orders
Aug 1, 2010

EDMONTON – A union boss says the province’s plan to publicly post safety records for all Alberta companies starting this September may fall well short of telling people whether or […]

Watered-down website for workplace safety represents lost opportunity to save lives
Jul 30, 2010

AFL asks: “Who got to the minister and convinced him to back down?” Once again, Alberta workers have been disappointed by an Alberta government that says it cares about them, […]

Alberta using ‘immoral’ incentives to deny WCB benefits, charges labour group: AFL critical of bonuses paid to staff who trim caseloads, says premium rates for dangerous industries a…
Jul 29, 2010

Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is the only board in Canada that pays bonuses to staff as an incentive to trim their caseloads, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

WCB uses ‘immoral’ incentives: labour group: AFL says bonus system only in Alberta
Jul 25, 2010

Alberta is the only province where Workers’ Compensation Board staff get bonuses for swiftly getting injured workers off benefits and back to work — and must discontinue these “immoral” incentives, […]