



A summit when police were praised
Jul 6, 2010

Would you believe that after the G8 meeting held near Calgary in 2002 the Council of Canadians’ Maude Barlow complimented the city police on their approach to political activists who […]

2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Minister’s Advisory Committee on Health Care (MACH)
Jun 29, 2010

Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I am the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest organization of […]

Reforming Canada’s Pension Plan
Jun 29, 2010

Only thirty-three percent of Albertans are covered by a workplace pension plan, a rate below the national average. And with the number of retirees set to spike as the baby […]

Let’s face it – Alberta has a problem, a revenue problem: It’s time for a grown-up conversation about how to fix the province’s broken revenue system
Jun 29, 2010

The Alberta government’s revenue model is broken and the time has come to talk about how to fix it, says Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan. Yes, that […]

Which Way Will We Pay?
Jun 28, 2010

Which Way Will We Pay? It’s time for a grown-up conversation about Alberta’s revenue problem – and how we fund vital public services Too often the budget dialogue in Alberta […]

The boom’s cruel legacy: Job-related fatalities hit a 26-year high during Alberta’s last oil-fuelled boom, when workers flooded into the province. As the recession fades and employment re…
Jun 28, 2010

Globetrotter Darina Valentik died in the path of a slow-moving railcar.Teenager Joel Balfour was killed when a backhoe bucket struck him in the head. Baker Donna Noonan died after tripping […]