



Alberta cutting training programs amid zero job growth: New AFL research shows Alberta cut job training by $23 million despite increased need by aboriginals and young workers
Jun 3, 2010

EDMONTON – Alberta is the only province in Canada that hasn’t seen job growth since last summer, but the province is cutting employment training programs by more than $20 million, […]

May 2010: Health-care reform; Workplace safety; Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights; Spring/Summer 2010 Union Magazine
May 27, 2010

Have your say on health-care reform! The Alberta government is hosting 28 “invitation-only” meetings around the province as it plans sweeping changes to the health-care system. Friends of Medicare, supported […]

Alberta government doing poor job of enforcing safety regulations: auditor general
May 20, 2010

The Alberta government is doing a poor job of enforcing safety regulations on employers who ignore the rules and force their workers to face a significantly higher risk of injury. […]

Stelmach Tories bet on long-term with North West upgrader announcement: Current markets see more bitumen exported
May 20, 2010

The Stelmach government is forging ahead with an upgrader partnership designed to process more oilsands in Alberta at a time when market forces are working against their goal and the […]

Whitewashing Alberta’s workplace safety record
May 19, 2010

On April 28, workers around the world participated in the International Day of Mourning — a day set aside to remember the multitude of people killed or injured at work […]

Decline in workplace deaths no cause for complacency: Fewer injuries in 2009 reflect the fact that fewer Albertans are working, not tougher government regulations
May 5, 2010

On April 28, workers around the world participated in the International Day of Mourning — a day set aside to remember the multitude of people killed or injured at work […]