



Critics contend temporary foreign worker program ‘inherently exploitative’
Apr 26, 2010

As the high season for temporary foreign workers in Canada kicks off, critics argue the program is broken, serving the short-term needs of the labour market while acting as an […]

April 2010: Auditor General Report on Occupational Health and Safety; Temporary Foreign Workers; Pensions; Phone now to save union jobs
Apr 21, 2010

Lives of workers put at risk by government The government’s shocking failure to enforce its own workplace safety laws is putting thousands of workers at risk, according to a new […]

Naming unsafe Alberta firms needs legal OK
Apr 19, 2010

The Alberta government says it wants to release the names of companies with poor safety records, but it needs legal approval first to ensure no privacy laws are broken. The […]

Alberta workplace safety records could face public scrutiny: Minister wants to publish employers’ names
Apr 16, 2010

Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said Thursday he will publicly identify employers who consistently ignore safety orders, once he finds a way around privacy issues. Opposition parties, unions and academics called […]

Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupational Health and Safety
Apr 15, 2010

Write Employment and Immigration Minister and the Premier! Apr 15, 2010 Issue: Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupationa Health and Safety Action Requested: Write the Minister […]

The lives of thousands of working Albertans are being put at risk by government’s shocking reluctance to enforce its own workplace safety rules
Apr 15, 2010

AFL calls for immediate implementation of Auditor General’s recommendation for a crackdown on employers who repeatedly break the law Yesterday’s report from Alberta’s Auditor General reveals a fundamental flaw that […]