



Morton’s remarks suggest Alberta is abandoning its leadership role in the search for solutions to Canada’s looming retirement income crisis
Apr 14, 2010

Finance minister downplays seriousness of issue and suggests the problem can be addressed by increasing the retirement age and requiring more seniors to sell their homes to raise cash CALGARY […]

Alberta embodies need for pension reform: expert
Apr 12, 2010

Andrew Kohsel can testify on multiple fronts to a growing problem plaguing many of today’s seniors — and will soon spread to a large swath of baby boomers. As the […]

More out of work: StatsCan
Apr 12, 2010

With the latest Statistics Canada figure showing Alberta’s unemployment rate has risen to 7.5%, the province’s largest union group says the numbers reflect the Tories’ lack of stimulus spending. Despite […]

Jobless rate hits 14-year high: Rise in number of jobseekers blamed for Alberta surge in March
Apr 10, 2010

Where did 9,700 Albertans ready to work if they could only find a job come from?A surge in jobseekers boosted Alberta’s unemployment rate 0.6 percentage points to 7.5 per cent […]

Alberta jobless rate hits 14-year high: Province appears left out of recovery
Apr 10, 2010

Alberta lost jobs for the third consecutive month in March as the unemployment rate rose to its highest level in 14 years, figures released Friday show. Despite signs of an […]

Latest jobless figures show Albertans are paying the price for Stelmach government’s ongoing refusal to stimulate the economy
Apr 9, 2010

Alberta is only province in Canada that continues to shed jobs – and it’s also the only province that didn’t increase spending to deal with the recession. It’s no coincidence […]