EDMONTON – Hundreds of chanting protesters from across the province marched through downtown Edmonton to the Alberta legislature on Saturday, demanding the provincial government stop spending cuts to public services. […]
Hundreds of people gathered at the Alberta legislature on Saturday afternoon to protest cuts to public services. Chanting “Save Our Services,” the protesters carried signs warning of cuts to funding […]
Workers in Alberta helped to prevent more severe cuts from happening in the 2010 Alberta budget, but the work is not over for the unions, advocacy groups, students and individuals […]
TORONTO, ONT–The violation of the workplace rights of many Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) in Alberta “reinforces what we’ve reported for years now,” says Wayne Hanley, the National President of UFCW […]
Despite all the spin, the recent budget is a cutting budget While the Stelmach government boosted health-care spending and held the line on education spending, in other ministries it was […]
Whether there’s a boom or a bust, the economic reality facing women in Alberta is that they are falling further and further behind men. A new study by the Edmonton-based […]