



Minimum wage to remain the same
Mar 2, 2010

The Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced recently that minimum wage in the province would remain at $8.80 per hour, dismantling a system of wage increase less than […]

Construction industry had most workplace fatalities in Alberta
Mar 1, 2010

The construction industry had the highest number of workplace fatalities of any sector in Alberta in 2009, but this figure is the lowest in the last five years. Alberta’s Ministry […]

Big union campaign deflated by reality
Feb 25, 2010

It’s tough enough running a public sector union in a province like Alberta, where fat cats get a pass and working stiffs the straight-arm. So when the provincial government’s latest […]

Start moving forward,’ Alberta left urged: Parkland Institute head tells progressives to lay out their education and health-care vision for province
Feb 14, 2010

Alberta’s progressives should stop defending the status quo and start defining their own visions for provincial policy, the head of the left-wing Parkland Institute said Saturday. In a fiery address […]

Economic recovery explored at Re-Making Alberta conference
Feb 11, 2010

With the new provincial budget freshly on the table, and budget cuts expected once the details are unveiled later this month, the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute, in conjunction with […]

Strange bedfellows indeed
Feb 10, 2010

The theory that new Alberta finance minister Ted Morton was put in place to placate the fiscal hawks and play the cold-eyed budget-slasher-a zombie Steve West-was always dubious. I’m not […]