



Alberta Tories hold line on minimum wage
Feb 6, 2010

Minimum-wage earners in Alberta won’t see any salary hike as the province on Friday announced a freeze for 2010, keeping workers’ hourly pay at $8.80. While the Canadian Federation of […]

Fewer workplace deaths, fewer prosecutions: Alberta gov’t not serious enough about safety violations, critics say
Feb 2, 2010

For the first time in years, fewer Albertans lost their lives last year in work-related deaths as a global recession slowed production and squeezed people out of tens of thousands […]

Connecting the Dots with Jason Kenney: Why food sovereignty can solve the climate crisis and how Canada’s immigration policy serves our free trade interests
Jan 31, 2010

… In Vancouver, No One is Illegal (NOII), a grassroots anti-colonial immigrant and refugee rights collective, aligns its goals with those of La Via Campesina. Immigration is not a topic […]

Cuts Could Kill Thousands of Jobs: ‘We have options that would make most other provinces green with envy’
Jan 28, 2010

The province’s largest union is warning up to 60,000 jobs are at risk if the Alberta government cuts billions of dollars from its upcoming budget. “It’s clear to us that […]

Alberta Federation of Labour forecasts big job cuts
Jan 27, 2010

Stelmach government’s Feb. 9 budget could cost up to 60,000 jobs, the fallout being even greater in the private sector than the public sector. – Gil McGowan. Edmonton (27 Jan. […]

Alberta labour body fears huge job cuts
Jan 26, 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour estimates as many as 60,000 jobs could be lost if the government cuts billions from the provincial budget next month. The number of jobs lost […]