



Federation of Labour sounding job loss alarm
Jan 25, 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour says their people crunched the government’s spending cut numbers and found nothing but a job crisis ahead. Gil McGowan, with the AFL, says their new […]

Budget may cut 60,000 jobs: Provincial plan could be worse than recession, says labour federation
Jan 25, 2010

As many as 60,000 jobs could be lost because of provincial government budget cuts, warns the Alberta Federation of Labour in a report released Monday. The document titled Worse Than […]

AFL job-loss prediction ‘vastly exaggerated’: Morton
Jan 25, 2010

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour estimates as many as 60,000 jobs could be lost if the government cuts billions from the provincial budget next month. The number of […]

January 2010: Join Together Alberta; Old Dutch lockout ends; Next Up Alberta
Jan 25, 2010

Join Together Alberta – a coalition campaign to save Alberta’s public services. The Join Together Alberta campaign was conceived and launched jointly by a number of Alberta unions and union […]

Alberta heads for another jobs crisis – and this time it will be self-inflicted
Jan 22, 2010

Deep public-sector spending cuts will kill tens of thousands of private-sector jobs, along with public ones The Stelmach government will stifle Alberta’s fragile recovery and create its own made-in-Alberta recession […]

Labour coalition takes aim at Ted Morton
Jan 15, 2010

Premier Ed Stelmach’s new cabinet members are to be sworn in this morning at Government House but the attack on one new minister has already begun. Public service organizations are […]