



UCP’s One-time Reimbursement Does Nothing to Solve Child Care Crisis for Alberta Families – AFL
Feb 25, 2021

All children deserve a Fair Start in life. Yet, Jason Kenney’s approach to child care continues to leave many families behind EDMONTON – Yesterday’s announcement from the UCP government of […]

We can’t afford to wait. It’s time for paid sick leave for every worker in Canada. – AFL
Feb 25, 2021

Joint Statement by Canada’s Provincial and Territorial Federations of Labour In advance of the federal, provincial and territorial labour ministers’ meeting, provincial and territorial federations of labour are united in […]

The budget Albertans need puts their health and welfare above corporate interests – AFL
Feb 24, 2021

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan Despite the positive slogans, in the last two years the Kenney UCP government has made cuts to Albertans’ health care, education […]

AFL calls for paid leave for COVID-19 vaccinations – AFL
Feb 24, 2021

EDMONTON – As more workers get ready to get their COVID-19 vaccines, the Alberta Federation of Labour wants to help remove barriers for workers by calling for the provincial government […]

Alberta has a spending problem. The problem is we don’t spend enough! – AFL
Feb 24, 2021

The near universal declaration from conservatives of all stripes is that Alberta has a spending problem. The Alberta Federation of Labour agrees that Alberta has a spending problem. The problem […]

Hundreds of days late, Kenney’s wage top-up program for frontline workers lands with resounding thud – AFL
Feb 18, 2021

Plan for Critical Worker Benefit “is yet another UCP dumpster fire” EDMONTON – After hundreds of days of indecision and foot-dragging on the wage-support program for frontline workers, the Kenney […]