Alberta’s public service in jeopardy, McGowan says Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, expressed grave concern over Premier Ed Stelmach’s pick for Finance Minister in his new cabinet announced […]
The premier officially announced the cabinet shuffle on Wednesday. As predicted, Ron Liepert has been removed from the health portfolio and will now serve as minister of energy. The new […]
EDMONTON – Premier Ed Stelmach is overhauling Alberta’s 24-member cabinet in attempt to turn around his Progressive Conservative government’s sagging popularity. Fiscal hawk Ted Morton moves to finance, where the […]
CALGARY- Suncor’s decision to unwind its natural gas business points to what could be a permanent structural shift that highlights the decreasing competitiveness of Alberta’s natural gas patch, observers said […]
Recovery could be smothered in its infancy by provincial budget and job cuts, warns AFL Year-end employment figures released this morning by Statistics Canada paint a picture of an Alberta […]
EDMONTON – As the latest employment figures were released Friday, government critics suggest Finance Minister Iris Evans was looking through “rose-coloured glasses” last year when she predicted just 15,000 Albertans […]