



2009 July Presentation City Council Public Hearing Transfer of Drainage Assets to EPCOR
Jul 28, 2009

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour Good afternoon. In a way, I am here today in two capacities. I’m here first as the President of the Alberta […]

Skilled immigrants squeezed out for temporary workers: Record number of short-term workers given permits to fill shortages last year, study finds
Jul 23, 2009

Canada is still bringing in temporary foreign workers at a near-record pace despite the recession, but a new study argues our immigration policy’s increasing focus on filling jobs will hamper […]

Labour federation slams gov’t bitumen royalty program
Jul 23, 2009

A move by the province to increase bitumen upgrading on this side of the border has at least one labour group saying it’s too little to be of any significance. […]

New BRIK program too small to turn the tide of raw bitumen being sent south of the border for refining, says AFL
Jul 23, 2009

Thousands of jobs will continue to be lost down the pipeline as a result of government’s failure to adopt more aggressive policies The Alberta government has finally added flesh to […]

Newly formed Task Force on Pension Reform must look outside Alberta: Labour rejects Alberta-B.C. Penson Plan Model
Jul 23, 2009

The new federal-provincial task force on pensions meets in Calgary today. The Alberta Federation of Labour is concerned that the task force will not focus on real changes that protect […]

Suncor CEO mum on upgrader expansion: Strong U.S. demand for heavy oil has pushed company delay completion of Voyageur project
Jul 22, 2009

With construction of its oil sands upgrader stalled, Suncor Energy Inc. SU-T said Wednesday it plans to sell unprocessed bitumen to U.S. refiners, whose strong demand for Canadian heavy oil […]