



EI Failing Albertans in Time of Crisis
Sep 6, 2009

New Analysis of EI Reveals Serious Shortcomings The Alberta Federation of Labour, in partnership with the Calgary and Edmonton Labour Councils, has released a new analysis (EI: It Should Be […]

China welcomed to oilsands; No upgrader plans in Asian country’s $1.9B investment
Sep 3, 2009

The decision by China’s government-controlled PetroChina to spend $1.9 billion on two undeveloped oilsands projects owned by Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. is being lauded as a vote of confidence in […]

EI: It should be there when you need it! (An Analysis of Employment Insurance in Alberta)
Sep 2, 2009

EI: It should be there when you need it! (An Analysis of Employment Insurance in Alberta) As the current recession continues, Canadians across the country are discovering that their insurance […]

Green jobs blooming in skilled trades: Wind farms and retrofits spell work opportunity
Sep 1, 2009

So-called “green jobs” are growing at more than twice the rate of traditional jobs in Canada–9.1 per cent over the last decade compared with the average of 3.7 per cent–but […]

Workers to showcase prowess: Calgary plays host to the Olympics of skills, trade and technology this week
Aug 31, 2009

It’s hailed as the Olympics of skills, trade and technology, a chance for competitors to showcase their talents as they embark on in-demand careers. The WorldSkills Competition also highlights the […]

The ABCs of pension reform in Canada: Needs to be some ‘intelligent’ debate on plan changes
Aug 15, 2009

Inadequate retirement income is the focus of an upcoming December meeting of federal and provincial finance ministers. It comes on the heels of recommended overhauls of the pension system in […]