



Make new pension plan mandatory: Union
Jun 19, 2009

Canadians desperately need a mandatory pension program to ensure they don’t retire into poverty, but a supplementary pension plan being considered by the Alberta and British Columbia governments is a […]

Union leaders urge western premiers to reject Alberta-B.C. pension proposal as solution to unfolding crisis in retirement income
Jun 19, 2009

Instead of getting behind ill-conceived “ABC plan,” western premiers should use their clout to call for a national pension summit and to discourage Harper and Ignatieff from reaching watered-down deal […]

Albertans need mandatory pension plan: AFL
Jun 18, 2009

EDMONTON – Albertans desperately need a mandatory pension program to ensure they don’t retire into poverty, but a supplementary pension plan being considered by the Alberta and British Columbia governments […]

Good for the goose, not for the gander: Critics charge bias, hypocrisy in new rules on municipal elections
Jun 4, 2009

Municipal elections in Alberta may become more transparent with the passage of a provincial bill which restricts the amount of money candidates at the local level will be allowed to […]

Labour group worried about oilsands jobs seeping out of Alberta
May 30, 2009

CALGARY – It used to be a foregone conclusion that the gigantic shovel-and-dumptruck operations in the oilsands would go hand-in-hand with an upgrader – a multibillion dollar facility to turn […]

May 2009: New TFW Report; New Labour Economic Monitor; New safety rules coming; Keep jobs in Canada petition
May 29, 2009

Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]