



Labour group worried about oilsands jobs seeping out of Alberta
May 30, 2009

CALGARY – It used to be a foregone conclusion that the gigantic shovel-and-dumptruck operations in the oilsands would go hand-in-hand with an upgrader – a multibillion dollar facility to turn […]

May 2009: New TFW Report; New Labour Economic Monitor; New safety rules coming; Keep jobs in Canada petition
May 29, 2009

Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]

Labour federation warns jobs will head south
May 29, 2009

Though some herald the job creation resulting from Imperial Oil’s decision to go ahead with its Kearl project, the Alberta Federation of Labour warns the long-term benefits will be shipped […]

AFL fears Kearl will send Alberta jobs to U.S.
May 28, 2009

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is worried Imperial’s $8-billion Kearl Lake oilsands project will send most of the bitumen – and good jobs – to the U.S. once […]

Oil jobs being sent south, charge critics
May 28, 2009

The provincial government is content to see oilpatch jobs shipped to the U.S., charges the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Gil McGowan made that charge yesterday in the […]

Imperial gives Kearl project green light: Battered oil sands industry welcomes decision to proceed with mine’s $8-billion Phase 1
May 27, 2009

Imperial Oil Ltd.’s (IMO-T42.09-0.14-0.33%) approval of a major new $8-billion project is sparking optimism for a revival in the oil sands after months of project delays due to low crude […]