CALGARY – It used to be a foregone conclusion that the gigantic shovel-and-dumptruck operations in the oilsands would go hand-in-hand with an upgrader – a multibillion dollar facility to turn […]
Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]
Though some herald the job creation resulting from Imperial Oil’s decision to go ahead with its Kearl project, the Alberta Federation of Labour warns the long-term benefits will be shipped […]
EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is worried Imperial’s $8-billion Kearl Lake oilsands project will send most of the bitumen – and good jobs – to the U.S. once […]
The provincial government is content to see oilpatch jobs shipped to the U.S., charges the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Gil McGowan made that charge yesterday in the […]
Imperial Oil Ltd.’s (IMO-T42.09-0.14-0.33%) approval of a major new $8-billion project is sparking optimism for a revival in the oil sands after months of project delays due to low crude […]