



Alberta Federation of Labour comments on jobless numbers
Mar 14, 2009

The Alberta Federation of Labour says the increased unemployment rate in Alberta last month only confirms that the province is not going to escape the economic downturn unscathed. President Gil […]

Stop the carnage, AFL says after job losses: Alberta job loss more than 29,000 so far this year; minister predicted 15,000
Mar 14, 2009

EDMONTON – An Alberta labour group is calling for the province to come up with a new stimulus plan for the economy after news Friday that 23,700 people were thrown […]

Alberta No Longer Immune from Recession
Mar 13, 2009

With today’s release of the February labour force statistics, it has become clear that Alberta is no longer immune from the recession that is hitting across the world, says the […]

March 2009: Rights for farm workers; Health and safety postcard campaign; Project 2012 Booklet; Save the Wheat Board
Mar 11, 2009

Rights for Farm Workers! The AFL is joining with UFCW Canada in a campaign to include farm workers in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. The campaign is a result […]

Lost Down the Pipeline: In these difficult economic times, is the Alberta government doing enough to keep value-added oil-sands jobs in Canada?
Mar 2, 2009

Lost Down the Pipeline: In these difficult economic times, is the Alberta government doing enough to keep value-added oil-sands in Canada? The real question now is: will we learn the […]

Foreign workers in Alta. face uncertain fate
Feb 27, 2009

EDMONTON – The number of temporary foreign workers in Alberta doubled during the last two years of the boom to reach 57,843 – more than the population of Grande Prairie, […]