The minimum wage in Alberta is going up on April 1 from $8 per hour to $8.40. The Alberta government has put in place a system where the minimum wage […]
Edmonton- A recent poll showing that Albertans overwhelmingly prefer subsidies for renewable and clean energy sends a message to the Stelmach government that its upcoming budget should include plans to […]
U.S. pipeline and refinery expansions mean that Alberta’s dream of “moving up the value ladder” is on its deathbed EDMONTON – Without aggressive government intervention, Alberta will almost certainly miss […]
Workers at Petro-Canada and Suncor won’t know until late summer or fall how the promised layoffs will affect the merged company, or how many jobs will be cut in the […]
The economic downturn in the energy sector claimed another 170 jobs Monday at two Edmonton-area plants. PTI Group Inc. laid off workers at its west-Edmonton and Nisku locations, said Ken […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour will release a report tomorrow dealing with the employment implications of the recent collapse in oil-sands investment. The report includes a number of troubling new […]