It has been called Alberta’s ticket to becoming part of Canada’s second-largest economic region. But whatever politicians want to call Bill 18, it officially ushers in Alberta’s trade partnership with […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour today urged Premier Stelmach to learn the lessons of the past and abandon any efforts he might be considering to re-open public-sector contracts to reduce […]
The Alberta Federation of Labour says the increased unemployment rate in Alberta last month only confirms that the province is not going to escape the economic downturn unscathed. President Gil […]
EDMONTON – An Alberta labour group is calling for the province to come up with a new stimulus plan for the economy after news Friday that 23,700 people were thrown […]
With today’s release of the February labour force statistics, it has become clear that Alberta is no longer immune from the recession that is hitting across the world, says the […]
Rights for Farm Workers! The AFL is joining with UFCW Canada in a campaign to include farm workers in Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. The campaign is a result […]