



Inquiry to examine farm safety: Wife has pushed for review of 2006 death
Oct 28, 2008

An inquiry into the death of a man killed while working on a farm two years ago will open today — a hearing labour officials hope will highlight the “deeply […]

Tory minority government means few changes for construction industry, associations say
Oct 20, 2008

The return of a Tory minority government to Ottawa does not mean much of anything new for construction, say some industry officials. “Things have not changed that much,” said Michael […]

Lots Of Talk, Not A Lot Of Decisions: The annual Alberta Liberal convention revealed a party still reluctant to act boldly
Oct 9, 2008

It was a tale of two parties last weekend as supporters of both the Alberta Progressive Conservatives and Liberals gathered for their annual general meeting and conventions. As Ed Stelmach […]

Labour groups critical of Harper’s oilsands comments
Oct 8, 2008

Recent election promises by Conservative Leader Stephen Harper focusing on oilsands irritated two labour groups fighting for Canadian job, and energy, security. Both the national Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) […]

Exploitation in Canada: human trafficking, exotic dance and temporary visas
Oct 8, 2008

Last November, The Alberta Federation of Labour released a report exposing the widespread abuse of foreign workers. Problems included: job promised being radically different or disappearing upon arrival lower wages […]

Maple Leaf strike in Edmonton exposes buried election issue
Oct 7, 2008

EDMONTON – Today’s news that Maple Leaf Foods is abusing temporary foreign workers at its poultry plant in Edmonton and attempting to use them as pawns to drive wages down […]