



Taft not about to start new party from scratch
May 9, 2008

Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft said Wednesday he is open to discussing the future of his party, but dismissed one of his MLA’s moves toward starting a new party. “Trying […]

Uniting opposition question of choice
May 9, 2008

Calgary Liberal MLA David Swann has the right idea about solving the malaise of political opposition in Alberta. When he talks in principle about a new political movement, and when […]

Alberta Liberals split on whether to ditch name: Taft, Swann clash on starting new party
May 9, 2008

Alberta Liberals are divided over how to reinvigorate an opposition movement that was crushed in the provincial election, with the Grit chief arguing one of his MLA’s proposals to possibly […]

Unity pact breathes life into politics: Liberals and NDP talk about not competing for ridings, but will it be enough to win?
May 7, 2008

Two months after their brutal pounding in the last provincial election, Alberta Liberals and New Democrats are looking ahead to the next election — one they might fight together. In […]

Unions claim provincial statistics underestimate number of employee fatalities
May 6, 2008

Labour unions in B.C. and Alberta commemorated the 13th International Day of Mourning amid claims that provincial government statistics underestimate the numbers of employees killed. The Alberta Ministry of Employment […]

Double the income, same earning level for Calgarians
May 2, 2008

Family income in Calgary this decade has increased by nearly double the national average while the Alberta figure is nearly triple, states a Statistics Canada report. But the numbers also […]