EDMONTON – The Alberta government moved swiftly today towards passing controversial labour code amendments, despite ongoing criticism from labour groups. Just before debate started on Bill 26, the government made […]
A day after the government tabled its anti-worker Bill 26: The Labour Relations Amendment Act, Albertans are wondering what would motivate such a blatant attack on constitutionally-protected rights. The answer, […]
NOTE: AFL President Gil McGowan will be holding a media availability at 5:15 p.m. on the steps of the Legislature to comment on the Bill. The Alberta Federation of Labour […]
The president of a national union was “shocked” and “dismayed” this morning to learn of the federal government’s approval of two pipelines via a phone call from Today. A further […]
The Canadian Labour Congress has called a National Consumer Boycott of Robin Hood flour, oatmeal, and baking products. The boycott is at the request of the United Food and Commercial […]
Provincial NDP Leader Brian Mason thinks it’s unfair that unions outspent his party on television advertising by a margin of more than 10 to one in the recent provincial election. […]