



Day of Mourning: Remembering Unintended Victims of a Boom
Apr 28, 2008

The AFL is commemorating the 13th International Day of Mourning today by remembering the 166 Albertans (154 officially “recognized” workers and 12 farm workers) who lost their lives in 2007 […]

Remembering Workers Killed at Work
Apr 25, 2008

Monday, April 28, 20087:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.City Room, Edmonton City Hall1 Sir Winston Churchill Square The Alberta Federation of Labour and the Edmonton and District Labour Council are co-sponsoring […]

Farm death sparks call for action
Apr 25, 2008

The provincial government came under fire in the legislature Wednesday for its lack of workplace safety laws for farm workers, the day after a feedlot owner fell from a silo […]

Is immigration helping us?: A stunning british study suggests that maybe it isn’t
Apr 22, 2008

Globalization has increased acceptance of a multi-racial world and provided endless supplies of skilled and other labour, so what’s not to love about mass immigration? While Canada’s opposition parties quibbled […]

Be aware of boss: Province launches ad
Apr 21, 2008

Just because students across Alberta will soon be moving from classrooms for jobsites, doesn’t mean the learning should stop, according to the province – while the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

Alberta boom brings more workplace death
Apr 19, 2008

Fatal accidents on Alberta job sites increased substantially last year, nudging closer to the alarmingly high occupational death rates recorded during the province’s previous boom of the early 1980s. Safety […]