



This Labour Day, wage-earning Albertans should resolve to grab a bigger piece of our province’s economic pie, says union leader
Sep 2, 2007

It was only a matter of time. Whenever the economy heats up, business people reward themselves with bigger salaries and hefty bonuses. “We’ve earned it,” they tell themselves as they […]

Workers should stand tall over wage demands
Sep 1, 2007

It was only a matter of time. Whenever the economy heats up, business people reward themselves with bigger salaries and hefty bonuses. “We’ve earned it,” they tell themselves as they […]

Change Labour Law or Expect Charter Challenges, Unions Warn Government
Sep 1, 2007

This Labour Day long weekend, the Alberta Federation of Labour is calling on Iris Evans, Minister of Employment, Industry and Immigration, to establish a review of Alberta labour relations legislation […]

Alberta bound; Foreign workers vulnerable to exploitation
Aug 16, 2007

Ernesto Rodarte, a foreign worker from Mexico, says he and other Mexican workers are being exploited by employers even though Calgary is in the middle of a major labour shortage. […]

Energy plans stoke labour crisis; Mega-projects need 40,000 workers
Aug 13, 2007

The announcement of $40 billion worth of new energy industry projects in the past two weeks, including Shell Canada’s plans to spend $27 billion to construct a massive oilsands processing […]

Oilpatch risks turn from value creation to value destruction; Comment; Everybody Wants A Bigger Cut Of The Booming Industry
Aug 7, 2007

For the first time in a generation, Alberta is facing a general strike within its construction trades that threatens to disrupt its booming oilsands industry and is introducing a new […]