



Two-and-a-half Workers a Week. The Price of Prosperity?
Apr 27, 2007

On the eve of the 12th International Day of Mourning, which will be commemorated around the world on Saturday April 28, the Alberta Federation of Labour called on government, employers […]

Workplace Tragedy Raises Many Questions
Apr 25, 2007

The Alberta Federation of Labour is demanding a full and transparent investigation into the death of two workers and injury to four others yesterday in Fort McMurray. The AFL is […]

Government warned to control development
Apr 24, 2007

[Calgary] “The Stelmach government must act now to control the pace of development,” says AFL President Gil McGowan. “The province is already paying too great a price for their past […]

Will Australian Billionaire resolve Palace Casino strike in Edmonton?
Apr 20, 2007

In a letter sent today to James D. Packer, Executive Chairman of PBL Publishing & Broadcasting Ltd. – the Australian publishing, broadcasting and gambling giant – the Alberta Federation of […]

AFL Joins Campaign for Province-Wide Smoking Ban
Apr 18, 2007

The AFL joined with Action on Smoking and Health, Alberta Cancer Board and the Alberta Chamber of Commerce today to launch a campaign to urge the Alberta government to implement […]

Oilsands pipeline to U.S. a job killer: labour group; Study says 18,000 jobs in the balance
Apr 18, 2007

The head of the Alberta Federation of Labour says TransCanada Corp.’s proposed Keystone pipeline to the United States is a job killer that needs to be stopped. In a submission […]