



Labour spokesman wants premier to live up to promises
Feb 10, 2007

In the Old West, calling a man a coward was a shooting matter, and “Mr. Colt” usually had the final word. It’s unlikely, however, Alberta premier Ed Stelmach is toting […]

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007)
Feb 1, 2007

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007) After over a decade of almost uninterrupted growth, Alberta is now entering the fifth year of an economic boom. Despite the mismanagement of the Klein […]

Labour Relations Board stacks deck against Palace strikers
Jan 24, 2007

Against the objections of their union, the Alberta Labour Relation Board (LRB) has ruled that striking Palace Casino workers in Edmonton must vote on an employer offer that the union […]

Working Our Fingers to the Bone
Jan 22, 2007

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted today to a new study by Statistics Canada looking at work hours across the country. The study revealed that Albertans work the most hours […]

2007 January Speaking Notes Public Interest Alberta Living Wage Media Conference
Jan 11, 2007

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 10, 2007 There’s no denying that times are good in Alberta. Unemployment is low, profits are high – and many […]

New Cabinet Fails to Bolster Confidence in Alberta Tories
Dec 15, 2006

The announcement of the new Alberta cabinet doesn�t create any new confidence in the direction of the Conservative government, says the Alberta Federation of Labour today. “I fail to see […]