



New website will catalogue all of Jason Kenney’s ‘unAlbertan’ and ‘deeply disturbing’ cuts and policies – AFL
Oct 8, 2020

This new on-line resource will help Albertans keep up with the Premier’s ongoing marathon of ideological folly and vindictiveness EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour has collected and categorized […]

AFL launches website for Albertans who want to boycott the businesses who bankroll the UCP – AFL
Oct 5, 2020

“These businesses are bankrolling an agenda that is kicking Albertans when they’re down.” EDMONTON – At the request of many frustrated Albertans, the Alberta Federation of Labour has launched a […]

Minimum wage cuts are coming thanks to the UCP’s Bill 32, warns AFL – AFL
Oct 1, 2020

October 1 used to be a time for minimum wage increases. This year, the UCP has set the table for reductions. EDMONTON – October 1 has often been the day […]

Unions stock Alberta food banks with healthy protein – AFL
Sep 30, 2020

The Union Protein Project delivers record amount of high-quality protein to Food Banks Alberta Food Banks Alberta, the provincial association of food banks in Alberta, recently received their 52 pallet […]

Instead of helping Albertans, the UCP will be fighting old ideological battles at upcoming AGM – AFL
Sep 29, 2020

UCP’s resolutions reveal Jason Kenney’s true colours: he is no friend to working Albertans EDMONTON – Jason Kenney promised jobs and an improved economy, but the resolutions going to this […]

Gender Equality Week – AFL
Sep 24, 2020

Alberta Federation of Labour Statement on Gender Equality This week we celebrate gender equality. We know that gender equality is largely achieved when all people, including women and gender-fluid and […]