



Conservatives of Convenience: Not all unions buy the logic behind joining the “Conservative Collective”
Oct 15, 2006

When I heard the news last week that several well-known union leaders and labour organizations were encouraging their members to get involved in the Tory leadership race – and in […]

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing (2006)
Oct 2, 2006

Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy Statement (Oct 2006) The issue of drug and alcohol testing in the workplace is an evolving area of employment law. It is also a […]

Raise oilsands royalties – Pembina: Low rates put ‘economy on steroids’
Sep 29, 2006

Albertans deserve a larger return on their vast oilsands, a provincial committee seeking input on how to best develop the resource heard Wednesday. The Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development argued […]

AFL Wins Key Victory in Ongoing Bill 27 Scandal
Sep 27, 2006

The Information and Privacy Commissioner today ordered the Alberta Labour Relations Board (LRB) to release approximately 200 records to the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) pertaining to the drafting of […]

Cardinal Sets Ugly Precedent with WCB Appointment
Sep 25, 2006

Human Resources and Employment Minister Mike Cardinal has subverted a longstanding agreement with the labour movement by appointing an individual with no connection to labour to the WCB Board to […]

Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006)
Sep 2, 2006

Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006) The general picture of the Alberta economy is very positive: sources from the business press to Statistics Canada are celebrating the boom, and the data […]