



Unions urged to make common cause with employers in opposing Third Way
Apr 19, 2006

As members of the provincial government caucus prepare to gather in Calgary tomorrow for a meeting that could decide the fate of the so-called “Third Way”, the Alberta Federation of […]

Majority of Albertans do not support federal child care plans
Apr 13, 2006

Edmonton – A poll conducted by Public Interest Alberta (PIA) and the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) indicates that most Albertans do not support the Harper government’s plans to replace […]

2006 April Presentation Edmonton Chamber of Commerce – Calculating the Real Costs of the Third Way
Apr 12, 2006

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, April 12, 2006 When it comes to politics in Alberta, there really have been only two issues that have dominated public […]

Business and government have it wrong on labour shortage concerns, says AFL
Apr 11, 2006

EDMONTON-Alberta’s largest union organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, weighed into the debate over skills shortages today by unveiling a detailed new policy paper, entitled “Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the […]

When will we learn? Day of Mourning remembers 143 Alberta workers killed last year
Apr 2, 2006

Last year in Alberta 143 workers were killed because of work. This is the highest number of fatalities in 25 years, and the sixth worst in Alberta’s 101 year history. […]

Proposed “Third Way” in health care could cost Alberta businesses a bundle, says AFL
Mar 28, 2006

The so-called Third Way in health care may be Premier Klein’s “hobby horse” – but Health Minister Iris Evans shouldn’t feel obliged to hop on board, says AFL president Gil […]